Group Classes
First Class Free! Use promo code: fitAF at checkout here
Our Group Training Classes provide a supportive and motivational environment to help you reach your fitness goals alongside other members of the Brooklyn Athletic Club community.
Offered Monday-Saturday, our Group Training classes include:
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Mat Pilates
Glutes Express
This hybrid strength and conditioning class explores both traditional and modernized resistance training to simultaneously burn fat and build muscle.
(55 minutes)
High Intensity Interval Training. This is a fast paced training session using weights, bodyweight movement, and sports agility drills that will drive up your heart rate and get you closer to reaching your fitness goals.
(55 minutes)
Sign-up through the MindBody app. Purchase classes with links below:
Group Training sessions and packages must be used within 6 months of the purchase date, after which they will expire.
Gym Membership + Group Training
If you’re looking for to take Group Classes while also having some independent time in the gym, this is the option for you.
12 Classes - $275/month
Unused Group Membership Class Credits do not roll over into the next month.
Mat Pilates
In this 50 minute long mat Pilates class, you will explore a mix of classic and contemporary Pilates exercises, all focused on strengthening the core, lengthening and strengthening all of our muscles in the body, creating good alignment and posture, and connecting to the breath. Pilates is excellent for injury prevention and as cross training to add into your routine for whatever your fitness goals may be.
(50 Minutes)
Glutes Express
Circuit style class focusing primarily on glutes with some ab work to top it off.
Expect to keep moving and working the entire time with very short rest periods. These classes are designed with a variety of exercises to target all the glute muscles; hitting both upper and lower sections, as well as training them through the shortened, mid-range and lengthened positions.
(25 minutes)
Single Glutes Express Class - $15
Gym Membership includes 2 Glutes Express Classes per month. Group Training Gym Memberships include 4 Glutes Express Classes per month.